
About Us – We have been Restoring Companies for over 20 years.

Certificate of Good Standing –  Once your company is restored, we can provide a Certificate of Good Standing which states a company has been in continuous, unbroken existence since Incorporation.

Company Restoration Enquiry – Once we receive your restoration enquiry form we provide a quotation and the restoration timescale to complete your company restoration.

Court Order Company Restoration – Guidance on the Court Restoration process.

Contact Us – We are happy to answer your Company Restoration questions.

Company Restoration FAQ – The most regularly asked questions regarding Company Restorations.

Home – We have assisted our clients in restoring companies in many countries worldwide, using our trusted network of international agents and partners.

Belize Company Restoration – We can restore your Belize IBC through an Administrative Restoration.

Bahamas Company Restoration – We can assist to restore a Bahamas IBC which is through a Court Order from the Bahamas High Court.

BVI Company Restoration – In the BVI we provide Administrative Company Restorations (less than 6 years since strike off) and Court Company Restorations (over 6 years since strike-off).

Gibraltar Company Restoration – We can restore your Gibraltar company after it has been struck-off. Gibraltar Company Restoration can be achieved through Administrative or Court Restoration.

Hong Kong Company Restoration – We can assist with Hong Kong Company Restoration through Administrative company restoration. We restore your company in Hong Kong through our partners.

Ireland Company Restoration – Following a company dissolution, we can assist with the Company Restoration to the Irish company register.

Ireland Company Dissolution – We can assist with the Dissolution of an Irish Company

International Company Restoration – We have assisted clients to Restore Companies around the World.

Panama Company Restoration – Once a company is struck-off the Registro Público de Panamá we are able to assist with Panama company Restorations.

UK Company Restoration – Our UK office can assist with with Restoring your UK company.